Apologetic Diane Fedele of the "Chaffey Community Republican Women’s group", apologizes to all of the "Coloreds" that she may have offended.

<div class="serendipity_imageComment_left" style="width: 144px"><div class="serendipity_imageComment_img"><a class='serendipity_image_link' href='https://www.pleasegodno.com/uploads/home28.jpg'><!– s9ymdb:145 –><img class="serendipity_image_left" width="144" height="197" src="https://www.pleasegodno.com/uploads/home28.pleasegodthumb.jpg" alt="" /></a></div><div class="serendipity_imageComment_txt">Diane Fedele apologetic to all of the "coloreds" she offended.</div></div>In this weeks meeting of the Chaffey Community Republican Women's group, an apologetic Diane Fedele reiterated her sincere regret of the use of the racially-insensitive "Obama Bucks" image in the group's publication.<br />nIn the club meeting on Tuesday, attended by both club members and the media, Ms. Fedele defended her apologies as sincere and honest.<br />n"Believe me when I say I am very sorry about this whole misunderstanding. I am sorry if I offended any of those coloreds. I am sure all of these Bootlips will understand that it was a clear misunderstanding of my unfamiliarity of the burr-headed, Double A culture. When it comes right down to it, I can not think of anyone less racist than myself. I am friends with plenty of those Geechee Mandinkas. I promise this will not happen again."<br />nWhen pressed further about her apparent total lack of understanding of the situation she has found herself in, a flustered Fedele continued, "Listen, I told all of the Shadow-Smurf mud ducks I was sorry! I don't know how else to convince you all I am not racist!"<br />nAt press time the California Republican Committee had not responded to our repeated calls for clarification.<br />


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