******Update 10-20-08******* <br />n<div class="serendipity_imageComment_center" style="width: 300px"><div class="serendipity_imageComment_img"><a class='serendipity_image_link' href='https://www.pleasegodno.com/uploads/obamabucks3.jpg' onclick="F1 = window.open('/uploads/obamabucks3.jpg','Zoom','height=415,width=929,top=205,left=191,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,resize=1,resizable=1,scrollbars=yes'); return false;"><!– s9ymdb:128 –><img class="serendipity_image_center" width="300" height="131" src="https://www.pleasegodno.com/uploads/obamabucks3.serendipityThumb.jpg" alt="" /></a></div><div class="serendipity_imageComment_txt">Obama Bucks – Social commentary – Not racial hate</div></div><br />nIn May I drew this cartoon and posted a satirical article regarding a fake Obama food stamp plan. This article was complete satire and I wanted to let anyone reading this know that this was not a slight on Obama at all. It was a satirical look at some of the Fox News watching right-wingers out there that are afraid of a government that sponsors welfare type programs.<br />nIt was intended to poke fun at the unrealistic fears and agenda of racism that a fringe element of Republicans strongly embrace.<br />nEvidently, people that did not take the satirical nature of the article in to account and not exploring other posts on this site forwarded my "Obama Bucks" food stamp image to their racist right wing counterparts.<br />nSo now this is a major news story. <br />nSome dumb ass from the right wing group Chaffey Community Republican Women led by a housewife named Diane Fedele, thought it would be a good image to include in their Republican newsletter.<br />nWhat a complete moron.<br />nMs. Fedele has stated that she didn't notice the watermelon, ribs, and KFC chicken images in the picture and just thought it looked like food.<br />nThis image was created to take to task a minority of Republicans that are racist and paranoid about someone with a different skin color. I was making fun of Republicans, not at all trying to be racist towards Barack Obama.<br />n I appreciate all of the attention, but the people targeted in this news piece are the people I am fighting for! The minorities. The welfare recipients, and the pissed off black chick with hazel colored eyes. This "cartoon" (as described in the media), was meant to empower African Americans to stand up for and defend themselves against racial intolerance. This "cartoon" was prescribed to showcase the racial hatred and intolerance towards the "left" and it's liberal "welfare" economic plan.<br />nGuess what? The radical right picked up this fumble and ran with it right into the opponents goal line.<br />nThe fact that a website like this exists is not evidence of racial hatred or divide, but the fact that an image taken from this website was used in a legitimate publication to promote the Conservative agenda must be proof of either existing racism or utter stupidity.<br />n<br />n<br />nSo if you missed any of the International published and televised news stories about this, I am including some links.<br />n<a href="http://www.foxnews.com/wires/2008Oct16/0,4670,ObamaIllustration,00.html" title="FoxSucks">Fox News!</a><br />n<a href="http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-foodstamps17-2008oct17,0,2209911.story" title="Obama">Los Angeles Times<br />n<a href="http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5g7w3PIVHs0pgr7MaboztFMupncHwD93RP68G0" title="AP">Associated Press</a><br />n<a href="http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1222017556511&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull" title="JP">Jerusalem Post, Israel</a><br />n<a href="http://www.suntimes.com/news/elections/1225985,obama-fried-chicken101608.article" title="Chicago">Chicago Sun-Times</a><br />n<a href="http://washingtontimes.com/news/2008/oct/16/gop-group-depicts-obama-with-watermelon-ribs-1/" title="WT">Washington Times</a><br />n<a href="http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2008/10/16/gop_group_depicts_obama_with_watermelon_ribs/" title="news">Boston Globe</a><br />n<a href="http://www.forbes.com/feeds/ap/2008/10/16/ap5565610.html" title="Forbes">Forbes, NY</a><br />n<a href="http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2008/10/16/state/n105749D06.DTL" title="SFCHRON">San Francisco Chronicle</a><br />n<a href="http://www.pe.com/localnews/inland/stories/PE_News_Local_S_webbuck1.e7982b.html" title="PE">Press-Enterprise, CA</a><br />n<a href="http://news.google.com/news?hl=en&tab=bn&scoring=d&q=%22Obama+Bucks%22&btnG=Search" title="Search">Click here for a complete news search</a></a><br />nSo In case you missed it, here is the original satirical story written in May. <a href="http://www.pleasegodno.com/archives/97-Obama-unveils-new-Obama-Bucks-Food-stamp-program.html" title="Obama Bucks">Click here.</a><br />
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