Category: Uncategorized

  • Sandy Hook – Now this is tasteless…

    <div class="serendipity_imageComment_left" style="width: 330px"><div class="serendipity_imageComment_img"><a class="serendipity_image_link" href='' onclick="F1 ='/uploads/sandyhook.jpg','Zoom','height=300,width=414,top=382.5,left=640.5,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,resize=1,resizable=1,scrollbars=yes'); return false;"><!– s9ymdb:342 –><img class="serendipity_image_left" width="330" height="236" src="" alt="" /></a></div><div class="serendipity_imageComment_txt">Tasteless</div></div><br />

  • Pervert Darrel Trulson now exposed to all of Chisago County.

    <div class="serendipity_imageComment_left" style="width: 255px"><div class="serendipity_imageComment_img"><a class="serendipity_image_link" href='' onclick="F1 ='/uploads/Trulson_Page_1Custom.jpg','Zoom','height=662,width=515,top=201.5,left=590,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,resize=1,resizable=1,scrollbars=yes'); return false;"><!– s9ymdb:339 –><img class="serendipity_image_left" width="255" height="330" src="" alt="" /></a></div><div class="serendipity_imageComment_txt">Darrel Trulson </div></div>Click on the link to read the whole pdf.<a href="" title="Trulson.pdf" target="_blank">Trulson.pdf</a><br />

  • Darrel Trulson is a complete scumbag!

    <a class='serendipity_image_link' href='' onclick="F1 ='/uploads/NW-Trulson-runs.jpg','Zoom','height=862,width=635,top=116.5,left=650,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,resize=1,resizable=1,scrollbars=yes'); return false;"><!– s9ymdb:346 –><img width="242" height="330" style="float: left; border: 0px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px;" src="" alt="" /></a></a>Running for Chisago County commissioner? Well let's see what his daughter has to say about him and his "family strong" values.<br />n<br />nTo whom this may concern-<br />n<br />nWith much thought and contemplation,…

  • Dickey’s Barbecue North Branch, MN 55056

    <div class="serendipity_imageComment_right" style="width: 330px"><div class="serendipity_imageComment_img"><a class="serendipity_image_link" title="69528_900.jpg" href='' target="_blank"><!– s9ymdb:320 –><img class="serendipity_image_right" width="330" height="179" src="" title="69528_900.jpg" alt="" /></a></div><div class="serendipity_imageComment_txt">Dickey's Barbeque North Branch, MN</div></div>I left a nice, honest review of this place on Yelp. I received the following response…<br />n<br />n"Thank you for taking time to explain your visit to Dickey's recently. We regret any dissatisfaction…

  • Viacom sucks dicks and eats human feces.

    <a class="serendipity_image_link" title="viacomproperties.jpg" href=''><!– s9ymdb:319 –><img class="serendipity_image_left" width="312" height="330" src="" title="viacomproperties.jpg" alt="" /></a>I think I am just saying what everyone else is thinking. Greedy Viacom cut off my channels on DirecTV. Guess what? I'll just pull your shows off of newsgroups with commercials already cut out.<br />nViacom is a nasty company that has pulled some…

  • This is why the Lexsynergy : Brand protection services & the North Branch Veterinary Hospital both Rip people off.

    <a class="serendipity_image_link" href='' onclick="F1 ='/uploads/NorthBranchVetSucks.jpg','Zoom','height=2215,width=1715,top=-560,left=110,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,resize=1,resizable=1,scrollbars=yes'); return false;"><!– s9ymdb:317 –><img class="serendipity_image_right" width="255" height="330" src="" alt="" /></a> For the PDF version that is even better with side notes, <a href="" title="NorthBranchVetSucks.pdf" target="_blank">NorthBranchVetSucks.pdf</a> I'm so glad that the North Branch Veterinary Hospital found a company like Lexsynergy. Lexsynergy and more specific "Lexsynergy : Brand protection services" really…

  • Places I would trust my dog with more than North Branch Veterinary Hospital

    <a class="serendipity_image_link" href='' onclick="F1 ='/uploads/pleasegodnoeatdog1.jpg','Zoom','height=638,width=795,top=228.5,left=570,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,resize=1,resizable=1,scrollbars=yes'); return false;"><!– s9ymdb:252 –><img class="serendipity_image_left" width="330" height="264" src="" alt="" /></a><br />n<br />n<br />n<br />n<br />nI would trust this South Korean street vendor more than the North Branch Veterinary Hospital.<br />n<br />n<br />n<br />n<br />n<br />n<br />n<br />n<br />n<br />n<a class="serendipity_image_link" href='' onclick="F1 ='/uploads/pleasegodnoeatdog2.jpg','Zoom','height=342,width=510,top=376.5,left=712.5,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,resize=1,resizable=1,scrollbars=yes'); return false;"><!– s9ymdb:253 –><img class="serendipity_image_right"…

  • Terry Steindel, Terry Steindel, are you serious? Get your ass some Rosetta Stone!

    <a class="serendipity_image_link" href=''><!– s9ymdb:244 –><img class="serendipity_image_left" width="270" height="330" src="" alt="" /></a><a href="" title="Terry Steindel">Terry Steindel</a>, are you serious? I don't mean to pick on this guy but check out his latest website. He has the language skills of a 4 year old child immigrant. Dude, if you know you are completely terrible with words and…

  • Steve Jobs is Dead, there’s no App for that.

    <div class="serendipity_imageComment_left" style="width: 330px"><div class="serendipity_imageComment_img"><a class="serendipity_image_link" title="Steve Jobs Dead" href='' onclick="F1 ='/uploads/sjobscancer.jpg','Zoom','height=670,width=993,top=212.5,left=471,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,resize=1,resizable=1,scrollbars=yes'); return false;"><!– s9ymdb:242 –><img class="serendipity_image_left" width="330" height="221" src="" title="Steve Jobs Dead" alt="" /></a></div><div class="serendipity_imageComment_txt">Sorry Steve, there's no App for that.</div></div><br />n<br />

  • Applebees drinks suck

    <!– s9ymdb:240 –><img class="serendipity_image_left" width="330" height="213" src="" alt="" />Just wanted to give a big shoutout to my local Applebees. Their drinks suck. I sent a salt filled "margarita" back the other day and they told me that I shouldn't have asked for salt. WTF? Everyone enjoys a little salt on the rim of their margarita…