<!– s9ymdb:240 –><img class="serendipity_image_left" width="330" height="213" src="https://www.pleasegodno.com/uploads/applebee-s-sign-at-night-photo-attributed-to-flickr-roadsidepictures.serendipityThumb.jpg" alt="" />Just wanted to give a big shoutout to my local Applebees. Their drinks suck. I sent a salt filled "margarita" back the other day and they told me that I shouldn't have asked for salt. WTF? Everyone enjoys a little salt on the rim of their margarita but I didn't ask for Lot's wife to fall into my glass.<br />nDisgustingly weak and overpriced drinks, and semi-edible food.<br />n"One and a half ounces of Tequila is all we can legally put in a drink… Bullshit… <br />nWhen they are not busy serving infants Tequila by mistake they are harassing legal drinking-age folks from getting a good drink.<br />nEverything that comes out of your fryer tastes the same.<br />nEvery drink that comes out of your bar tastes like piss.<br />nFuck you Applebees.<br />
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