<a class='serendipity_image_link' href='https://www.pleasegodno.com/uploads/tornadomeritbadge.jpg' onclick="F1 = window.open('/uploads/tornadomeritbadge.jpg','Zoom','height=623,width=614,top=146,left=420.5,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,resize=1,resizable=1,scrollbars=yes'); return false;"><!– s9ymdb:131 –><img width="296" height="300" style="float: left; border: 0px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px;" src="https://www.pleasegodno.com/uploads/tornadomeritbadge.serendipityThumb.jpg" alt="" /></a>Aaron Eilerts, 14, from Eagle Grove, Iowa; Josh Fennen, 13, Sam Thomsen, 13, of Omaha; and Ben Petrzilka,13 were postumusly awarded the uber-rare and coveted "Tornado merit badge," it was reported Saturday.<br />n"These rare and sought-after badges are reserved only for our special Scouts that are crushed by tornado debris," stated current National President John Gottschalk in a telephone interview.<br />n"You can build a fire from sticks, use a bow to shoot an apple off of your friend's head, and even leather work a rawhide baby seal into a wallet and this badge will still elude you."<br />n"We feel our remarkable young men who are caught off guard by tornadoes are especially heroic. Their heroic actions make us all pause and think about the horrible, horrible, series of events that happened that fateful night in Iowa. What brave young men it took to so heroically be crushed by tornado debris. They are an inspiration to us all. "<br />
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